
First boot from virtual filesystem!

After implementing some more functions and some debugging, I am now able to boot from a virtual filesystem. All AmigaOS files are stored in a linux-native filesystem and mounted inside uae for AmigaOS to use:
It is still *slow*. I don't know if this is because of the missing jit, the many debug log messages or any other issues, but hey, it at least works so far :)!

Config file used contains:


Getting closer ..

Still no contents, but at least no hang anymore..


Getting close..

Filesystems in uae are very dependent on interprocess-communication. While I really thought, I got this covered and right, somehow all those semaphores always got jammed somehow, resulting in a hang, as soon as the first AmigaOS filesystem packet reached the emulation code. AROS semaphores are just different than Windows Events, which have quite some more possibilities. So I had a look at fs-uae (isn't open source nice?) and found out, that obviously they had to struggle, too, as they provide glib, pthreads and sdl semaphore based uae implementations. So, we have SDL (and pthreads), too, so why not just use that code:
Not perfect, still hangs, but at least I now can see the workbench icon of my virtual work drive. This proves, that the problem was in the semaphore code, as with my own implementation, I got a hang much earlier. Did I say, I have not much time at the moment? But this nags on my mind, so I *have* to do it.


Small steps..

Currently I don't have much time to work on WinUAE, but I tried to get the virtual filesystems working:
It shows up in the early boot sequence, but it does not work later on. It's a first step at least..