
GUI ..?

First of all, I was not able to get the JIT running, so I lost motivation and started something else.

I always wondered, how the WinUAE gui was built and had a look, how a Windows gui is calculated. Well, every single "object" has fixed coordinates and sizes..!

IDD_FLOPPY DIALOGEX 0, 0, 396, 303
FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif", 0, 0, 0x1
    LTEXT           "System ROMs:",IDC_PATHS_ROML,3,2,260,8,SS_CENTERIMAGE
    PUSHBUTTON      "...",IDC_PATHS_ROMS,384,13,11,15
    LTEXT           "Configuration files:", 



So GadTools would still be up to date on Windows as it seems.

I had the idea, to build a real object tree from these coordinates and then generate a Zune gui source code from it. Worked, but a lot of those boxes overlap and are much bigger than necessary. So the tree was not really the right tree. A pity, as my conversion code was working quite nice :(.

Nevertheless, I rewrote it and tried using fixed coordinates in Zune, too. (Sorry Zune purists):

So far looking not too bad ;). Now I'll have to see, how much of the Windows-GUI code I can reuse, because at the moment, those gadgets do .. nothing.



As long as you just want to emulate a basic a500 without a JIT, building uae is quite straight forward.

But for 32-bit, JIT and most other nice features you need to adapt the uae memory model to the host abilities. Enabling JIT still causes green boot screens, but at least ZIII support is coming closer:

But I have to admit, that I stole some lines of code from FS-UAE for that ;).


Keyboard support

I can type now, not all keys working, but enough to continue:

But it still boots only from a floppy, which is too slow and annoying for me. So next will be hard-drive support (support of local files-systems).