
Menu - step 1 completed

Now Menus are really looking good, as you can see here:

This is a screen shot of WordWorth 7 running on the AROS wanderer screen.

The most difficult part of this menu integration were the menubars, as the are not detectable from the Intuition Menu structures. Simple things are not always simple.


Menu - first step

You might probably ask, what is going on in janus land. I was fighting with IDCMP stuff for quite a while. After some prototypes and searching the holy archives of comp.sys.amiga.programmer I accepted, that this is no way to go. Newsgroups are really nice to search for old stuff. It's a pity all the (sometimes valuable) data in those new and hype forums will disappear as soon as the forum dies :(.

So I started doing the other side of menu integration. Clone the amigaOS menus, so that they appear as AROS ones. I have to admit, I've never done menu "low level" stuff, I always used Zune menus. So I looked at gadtools, learned how intuition menus are linked together. As so many requested some new screenshots, here is one with the very first menus:

What you can see here is the menu of the aos3 non-backdrop workbench. Clicking on the menu does nothing for now, sub-menus are sill missing and all the menus flags are still ignored. A lot of other things need to be done, too, but as the basics work, the rest is just boring work.

For the menu selection I have an idea already, how I might solve the IDCMP trouble easily. I'll keep you posted.


To close a window

First of all, I've merged all relevant changes, which were done in e-uae after the WIP4 release. Not much noticeable for a normal user, but might fix some smaller issues.

Besides that, you now can close aos3 windows from the AROS side. So a click on a AROS window, which is the clone of a aos3 window closes the aos3 window. Then the daemon detects, that a aos3 window got closed and kills the clone. This is necessary, as things like "Do you really want to close this window" must work of course.

I thought to send a faked IDCMP message to the aos3 window, which in fact worked at a first glance. But aos3 CLI windows don't have a port to receive IDCMP messages at all. How do they notice, that the close gadget was pressed at all?

As I had no idea, I went the easier way. Assuming the close gadget is always on the top left of the window border, I just move the mouse there, "press" the left button and move the mouse back to it's original position. Much simpler, not so elegant, but works always (as long as the close gadget is, where it is supposed to be ;)).

What's next? Menu stuff..? I have no good ideas here, but we'll see.